In 1948 when Qauid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was First Governor General of Pakistan he called cabinet meeting. During meeting ADC asked to Jinnah, Sir what will be served during meeting coffee or tea?. Jinnah looked towards ADC and replied with anger, “Are they will come from home without taking tea or coffee?” ADC got frightened, Jinnah further said, Minister who want to drink coffee or tea he must drink at home before coming to cabinet meeting or he can leave meeting and go home to drink. I will not allow to spent public money for these ministers. After this order and during entire Jinnah’s govern only plain water was served in cabinet meetings.
Once purchasing was made for Governor General’s House and they told to Jinnah they spent Rs.38 for necessary items. Jinnah demand to show the bill to him in which he saw some items were purchased for his one and only loving sister Fatima Jinnah he order to collect the spent money from his account the other things which were for the Office he said that can be collect from the Finance department. We want that kind of ruler.
Prince Davic of Gloster, brother of British King sent request to Jinnah when he will arrive to Pakistan please welcome me at the airport. Jinnah sent replied with smile, ofcourse why not but I have one demand, when my brother will go to Britain your king will come to the airport to welcome him, “do you agree on that?” This courage we Need right now from our National Leaders.
That was Pakistan 60 years ago, the Pakistan who was governed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After that we start development and reach into this developed Pakistan in which VIP movement block all the roads before 30 minutes of passing their time. In this Pakistan Prime Minister and President announce millions and billions rupees worth projects for the political mileage without consulting Finance Ministry. Where no one is ready to took responsibility of huge scandals regarding National Security. No one is ready to talk with courage regarding the US invasions on Pakistan .

We already lost more than 70 billion dollars and more than 38, 000 humans life, more than 6,500 military personnel’s. I wish and hope, Imran Khan will bring end to this miserable life of Pakistani nation by saying to US, “Enough is enough” and its time to say, “No More”.
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