Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (Pakistan Justice Party) has started the movement of Civil disobedient in the leadership of Imran Khan Chairman of PTI. PTI have given the title to this movement, “Remove the Government and Save the Country”.
This movement has Started on 25th of June 2011 from Multan
one of the historic
city of Pakistan
. Thousands of people gathered to participate in this mega event of Pakistan history.
During addressing this larg gathering on Multan Imran Khan
said that President Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are fighting with each other in an effort to hide corruption. While speaking to the media he further explain when the Supreme Court takes action against Zardari
than Nawaz Sharif
and other political parties support the president in the name of protecting democary.
He said that the 18th amendment had given the power to the president to call for elections while the president himself is the chairman of a political party, which is why they would request the Supreme Court
to ensure that elections are free and transparent.
Official Song of Movement:
We are trying hard to convince US
about drone attacks
which are working as petrol on fire that creating more extremist in Pakistan and also because of these drone attacks hate against US is increasing which already reach to 77% of our population
. We trying to save Pakistan from more damage and during that period they are fighting for power
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