Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
We will march toward Islamabad says Imran Khan
Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan Sunday gave one month deadline to the government for halting the drone attacks and issued a warning that in case of failure the NATO supply line would be blocked and if the strikes still continued ‘we will march toward Islamabad’, Geo News reported.
Addressing a sit-in being staged against the US predator strikes under the auspices of TI here, Imran Khan exhorted the politicians to shake off ‘hypocrisy’ on the issue of drone attacks.
“The resolution passed against the drone strikes be implemented,” the TI Chief urged the government.
Imran Khan said a country whose elite class does not give tax can never make progress. “Only the poor are being made to suffer through inflation that is a result of rich being allowed to get away with not paying the tax,” he regretted.
He termed the Chief Justice of Pakistan as the brightest ray of hope for the country.
The TI Chief called for allowing media and human rights organizations to travel inside FATA and asked these organizations to put together an independent fact-finding report on drone attacks.
“Pakistan is brimming over with natural resources which if fully tapped will end our dependence on US aid,” he said, adding, the objective of Tehreek-e-Insaf was to build a strong Pakistan.
He said TI wanted a Pakistan whose passport was looked at with respect in every part of the world.
Imran Khan thanked Javed Hashmi, Marvi Memon, Akhundzada Chattan and other political leaders for attending the sit-in.
Source: The News
Source: The News
Friday, April 22, 2011
We Will Not Tolerate Drone’s Attack on Our Innocent Population of Pakistan | Trifter
We Will Not Tolerate Drone’s Attack on Our Innocent Population of Pakistan | Trifter
Drone attack from US and NATO forces in Pakistan are the major cause of increase in terrorists and terrorist activities.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Imran announces litigation at international courts against drone attacks
Chairman, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf, Imran Khan, has announced to adopt a two-way strategy; public pressure within the country, and litigation at international courts of law, to end drone attacks in Pakistan that kill innocent civilians.
Our rulers have sold national sovereignty for the sake of American dollars; he alleged urging the people that it’s high time they take to the streets against this state-sponsored terrorism as the time to act has come. The consensus has been developed against drone attacks since the Raymond Davis issue, he added while addressing a joint press conference at Islamabad Press Club today along with Clive Smith of Reprieve, a charity that provides free legal aid to families of victims of drone attacks in collaboration with Justice Project of Pakistan, headed by renowned lawyer Mirza Shehzad Akbar.
Imran Khan said 90% of the people targeted in drone attacks are innocent civilians, quoting a local Malik from North Waziristan, Gulabat Khan; he said 18 out of every 20 victims of drone attacks are innocent. The bodies of the victims are usually beyond recognition and somehow the victims become suspects after they are dead. The alleged terrorists are innocent until proven guilty. He criticized the government for fixing the match of drone attacks with the US administration and failing to protect the life and property of Pakistani citizens. “Democracy is the best revenge, is a joke to the nation”, he added. He also invited all political parties to his proposed sit-in at Peshawar on 23rd and 24th April against drone attacks saying it’s a national cause and it’s our duty to rise up against naked foreign aggression and our government’s failure to prevent them.
Mr. Khan thanked Mr. Clive Smith of Reprieve and his team for trying to help the victim’s families. Speaking on the occasion, Clive Smith of Reprieve, said that they are meeting affected people and helping them with litigation in the US, UK, Pakistan, and International Courts. Gulabat Khan also spoke briefly saying the continuation of Musharraf policy is disastrous for the tribal people who have always made sacrifices of lives for the defense of Pakistan and liberation of Kashmir. Mr. Shehzad Akbar who recently filed a case against CIA Station Chief, Jonathan Banks on the charges of war crimes, was also present on the occasion, said the US, NATO and Allies can be charged for war crimes in international courts and that political will is needed to expose the War on Terror which has actually become the War of Terror. Haroon Shah (uncle of a detainee in Bagram) was also present on the occasion.
Source: Tehreek-e-Insaf official website
Kate Middleton and Princess Diana - worlds apart
Today when I was looking newspaper I saw this news which capture me. I want to share this news with you and want to know do you also think like that?.
LONDON: From the moment Prince William put his mother's sapphire and diamond ring on Kate Middleton's finger, comparisons between his wife-to-be and the late princess Diana became inevitable.
More than a decade after Diana's death, the "People's Princess" remains adored and the new royal bride will be measured against the young, shy blonde who captivated the world at her wedding to Prince Charles in 1981.
The royals are understandably wary of comparisons between the two women, and William himself insisted soon after the engagement that "no one is trying to fill my mother's shoes".
Diana's marriage was a famously unhappy union which broke down amid infidelity on both sides, ending in a bitter divorce and then tragedy, when the princess died in a Paris car crash in 1997.
It is not a tale to comfort a nervous bride, but fortunately, commentators see more differences than similarities between the two women.
Despite her lack of aristocratic blood, Kate will be far better prepared than Diana ever was for royal life when she walks down the aisle of Westminster Abbey on April 29.
"Kate's been very carefully groomed, it's been a long process over a period of time and she's got people around her who understand the modern media.
"She knows exactly what she's getting," said Max Clifford, a top British PR man who has represented many celebrities.
Kate and William have been together for eight years, whereas Diana was courted for just six months. In fact, Kate has been waiting so long for her boyfriend to pop the question that the press dubbed her "Waity Katy".
But Clifford says the length of time puts their relationship on a strong footing, saying "William seems to be totally in love with her and vice versa".
The young couple have had a very modern courtship.
They lived together while at St Andrews University in Scotland, where they met, and in recent months Kate has stayed with William on the island of Anglesey in Wales, where he works as a helicopter search and rescue pilot.
At the age of 29, Kate also has considerable life experience compared to Diana, who was only 20 on her wedding day, 12 years younger than Charles. Just five months separate Kate and William, who is 28.
Diana had left school before finishing her studies and her work experience was limited to a stint at a nursery.
By contrast, Kate graduated with a degree in art history from a top university, although her jobs as an accessories buyer for a clothing brand and then for her family's party goods firm have been criticised as lightweight.
Kate also had a happier and more stable childhood than Diana, whose parents divorced when she was young. Kate is close to her mother Carole and sister Pippa, her maid of honour, and says her family is a major source of support.
Up to now, William's bride has also had a better relationship with the press, which hounded the late princess right up to the moment of her death.
Despite a rocky start following Kate's move to London after graduation, when photographers mobbed her every time she left the house, warning letters from lawyers and the palace have caused the media to back off.
Kate "is an intelligent girl. She has a good head on her shoulders and is so much older than Diana was and she knows William," said royal historian Hugo Vickers.
The royal family "must be delighted. She's cautious. She's very measured -- confidence is not quite the right word, but she is assured," he added.
Diana was beautiful, charismatic and almost universally loved, but she was also unstable and the explosive fallout of her split with Charles cast a pall over the royal family that is only now starting to lift.
She also overshadowed the other royals, staying firmly in the limelight even after the divorce through her charitable causes.
"Diana became far more popular worldwide than the royal family, and in this country -- she was the one everyone wanted to see, wanted to hear, wanted to be around," said Clifford.
The royals "would have learned from that", he said.
Kate has shown no sign of Diana's love of publicity, although only time will tell how far her careful plans survive the pressure of being a fully paid-up member of the royal family. (AFP)
Source: The News
Monday, April 18, 2011
Klog Nursing Shoes for Betterment of Humanity | Healthmad
We are not just claiming but also believe in our hard work which is showing our commitment with our cause which is, “Betterment of Humanity”.
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Sunday, April 17, 2011
Hate Increasing Against Us on Every Drone Attack in Pakistan | Socyberty
Hate Increasing Against Us on Every Drone Attack in Pakistan | Socyberty
One of the leading politicians of Pakistan, “Imran Khan” who is head of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Justice Party) has given a call 23 and 24 april 2011 to block the roads which are being used for supply to US and NATO forces regarding food, oil and other military items. He is saying, “Their survival is on us and they are killing us”. We don’t want this puppet show anymore. US must stop drone attacks on Pakistani innocent civilians otherwise we will stop their supply line which is, “Their life line in Afghanistan”.
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Say No to US Drone Attacks in Pakistan with Imran Khan on 23 April
Say No to Drone Attacks on Pakistan with Imran Khan from US Millatry and Nato Forces which are sitting in Kabul Afghanistan on 23 April 2011 on this coming Saturday. Show your hate against US Force criminals who are killing our innocent Pakistani Brother and sister with drone attack.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf which is the Party of Imran Khan one of the most dominating Cricketer of all time whom we love as our Hero who bring Cricket World Cup in 1992 for Pakistan. Imran Khan also build one of the biggest and best Cancer Hospital in our region South Asia. Now he is leading us towards our freedom from US and his allies. He is leading us to get our basic human rights from these occupied forces. We must show our love and sorrow with the victim families of drone attacks. We must show solidarity to our pukhtoon brothers and sisters.
Also say no to our recent rulers who are part of this criminal act against Pakistani innocent civilians. Now we are in do and die situation so lets do it together for the sake of our be loving country Pakistan regardless of which political party you own or member. This cause is for Pakistan and our rights as citizen of Pakistan which violated by these criminal Forces. Pick Pakistan's National Flag and lets do it together.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
How to raise and teach your Child?
I was checking my mails and different messages from my friends than suddenly I found this video in which I find this great little video regarding how to raise your child. I want to share with all of you. Please take a look and share with your friends and family as well.
Pakistan Monument Museum, Islamabad
Set on the top of the Shakar Parian Hills, the Pakistan Monument overlooks the heart of Islamabad in an awe inspiring fashion. The project started by Pervez Musharraf in 2004, aimed to provide the residents of Islamabad with a sight to pay homage to the rich history and to represent development and future progress. The monument completed in 2007 is a structure shaped in four petals, representing united people of Pakistan standing shoulder to shoulder, over the crescent and star, hence protecting the motherland and acting as guarantors of progress.
The place has been recently in the limelight as the Pakistan Monument Museum, which was essentially the part of the original plan, was opened only last month for the general public. With the museum of natural history and heritage already existing in Islamabad, this thematic museum is exclusive in the sense that it is all about pre-partition history, diverse traditions and the different contemporary issues being faced by the country.
Interestingly, when the museum was near completion it was found that displays and mannequins used in the museum were substandard, thus the project was handed over to a team of Lok Virsa headed by Kamran Javed, the new ED. The new team then completed the project in a very short period of time.
The thematic museum is divided into various sections (struggle, realization etc.) of pre-partition history, setup in a chronological order. The museum also hosts now few relics of Iqbal and Jinnah in the two separate rooms, which we believe have been brought on loan from the Wazir Mansion through Quaid-e-Azam Academy and Iqbal Manzil in Sialkot. There is also a library containing rare manuscripts and some popular books published on the subject.
The displays and statues are really fascinating and deserve commendation with the centrepiece being a magnificent buggy with the founder of the nation and Madr-e-Millat Fatima Jinnah. Life size displays of events are extremely fruitful in passing down lessons of history to the newer generation and the Ministry of Culture deserves all out praise for executing the project in the most beautiful manner.
The falsifications of history and myths hagiographed into our books and state narratives have always been a bone of contention. It was thus heart warming to see historical objectivity visible in the displays. Although the first section is titled “Arrival of the Muslims” much like how our history books starts at the year 712 A.D., the first display in the section is that of the Indus valley civilization and Gandhara art clearly expressing that we have a long, illustrious history much before the Arabs came to India. Even a buddha statue finds a place before the much revered heroes like Mohammad bin Qasim and Mahmood Ghaznavi. The War of Independence is described as having been fought by the “Indian people”, the Jinnah-Gandhi talks feature prominently in the displays, the much harkened-about August 11 speech of Jinnah is written at two places in the museum, Gandhi’s “Satyagraha” gets an honourable mention, a plaque commemorating the Indian National Congress calls Chandra Pal, Tilak, Lajpat Rai and Gokhale “great leaders” and Dadabhai Naoroji is called the “first legendary icon of Indians”. Even the wall-map of Pakistan shows Gilgit-Baltistan as a disputed territory along with Kashmir. Such brutally honest objectivity in historical narratives and feelings of pride for common heroes is extremely rare in a country where in the words of one of the greatest historians of Pakistan, K K Aziz, history has been murdered.
In the upper gallery, categories like sports, culture, women development, minorities, music, education, health, and of course the armed forces find space in form of pictorial boards and running video films on the LCDs. The major attractions to watch out in the upper gallery are the musical map and sufi map of Pakistan. It however appears that the floors were handled by different bureaucrats since the one handed out to work on the bottom floor – the historical one – did an awesome job, while the upper floor has it’s share of disappointments (why do the Combined Military Hospitals (CMH) get a separate board?, Is there any reason to include a list of major hospitals in Pakistan? Repeating the age-old sentences on various topics from Pak Studies books?).
Right beside the entrance of the museum there is an Audio/Visual section, which has desktop computers all connected to a local network hosting wide-ranging documentaries from ISPR, popular dramas, old music collection (including Roshan Ara Begum and Begum Akhtar), and rare photographs. There is a small film-screening hall, which has been showing the film ‘Jinnah’ and other films on requests.
Monuments, museums, institutes of artifacts and public exhibits in general are rare in Pakistan. The Pakistan Monument and the associated museum stand out as gems that need to be emulated across the country on various themes and provide the public venues of entertainment, leisure and learning as well. Keeping these gems of public property in their best shape is the public’s job too, but as it so happens there is little ownership of such things in the country. The authorities at this museum have instituted a worthy practice of asking visitors to wear shoe covers so as to keep the museum clean and in a pristine condition. Hopefully, it will remain in the best condition for coming generations to see.
Once again, kudos to everyone involved with the project for making the museum as spectacular as it was possible. For anyone visiting Islamabad, this is an addition to the must-visit list.
Source: by Husham Ahmed and yours truly. Photography by Saad Tiwana
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sometimes, children learn their bad habits from parents - Debate of the day

As a parent it is our duty to guide our kids in a good manner, so we must avoid all the bad activities like smoking, drinking, blaming others and other unwanted things in front of our kids. Always do a lot of good things in front of your kid. It will make a good impact in their minds and your kid will become a good person in their future. Parents are the real heroes for every kid.
What is your opinion?
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What is the best age to get married? - Debate of the day
Is there a particular age at which you'd expect a lady or a man to be married? At what age should you start thinking about marriage? And at what age should you start panicking if you've not yet found the right man? If you say age doesn't matter, what are the things that matter and can they be measured?
The right age for marriage, I would say, is immediately after mental maturity, which is around the age of 18 for the male and around 16 for the female. Well there is a condition which is the ability to be able to take care of the wife and family financially and morally, but then again we shouldn't forget the issue of education which might arise and conflict with the family needs in the aspect of being there and all that.
However, I personally think the most important things to achieve before marriage are economic independence and a clear sense of where you are going in life.
In my country family system is very strong so I see around me so many colleagues and friends of mine who married in the age of 30 or after that but now they all are advising me to not go that far. Some of my colleagues who got married around 22 to 24 they feel much secured than the above one because now when they are 45 and above there are big difference between them in term of their children's.
30 and above fellow's kids are just 9 to 13 years old and they are in the process of growth but the opponents who married in the age of 24 their kids are now near to enter in the arena of starting their jobs or business means they are entering in the practical life. This means they are ready to support their family financially and also they have much higher chances of success because with the passage of time competition of jobs is more difficult task.
So with the strong family system values of our society is in favor of those who have more manpower strength which bring more financial freedom for the family.
Who got married in the age of 24 they also have much more comfort to live their life as per there dreams and they are free to think for themselves too because they have less responsibilities on their shoulder in the age of 45 which is the age of planning after retirement. So they can plan for life after retirement with more positive and energetic way which means they will live for a longer time happily after.
:D cheers
Monday, April 11, 2011
Rose and Jasmine Garden Islamabad
Rose and Jasmine garden is situated in Islamabad near Aabpara. It is one of the most famous gardens of Islamabad. This 20,360 sq. meters garden is famous for its roses. It has 250 different varieties of roses as well as a dozen types of Jasmines. Flower shows are occasionally held here, particularly during spring. Nearby is a Tourist Camping Site.
Can we set a goal for ourselves to protect Nature?
Spring is all around us which brings calmness and inner happiness for us which is our most important need right now.
I was thinking, "Can we set a goal for ourselves to protect our nature?".
We plant trees in the spring all over the world but mostly efforts always are sponsored by some kind of organizations or Institutes. There are very little number of those peoples who are self motivated.
So I am looking for motivational Ideas for the community and especially for youngsters who are in big numbers of the world population to involve them in the activity of protecting our nature by plating trees, flowers and create awareness among them to fall in love with nature.
Please bring your ideas in this topic so we all can learn together to set an goal for ourselves as well.
Do you love Spring which brings flower and fragrance in the air?
Mylot is one of the best discussion Community Which I love most and spent my maximum time on it chatting with my friends and colleagues. I always got very interesting and useful comments from lots of friends and community members. This is spring time so I thought I ask a question regarding spring to mylot community and get some good and interesting comments fro them. So I created an topic in which I asked an question, " Do You Love Spring which brings flower and fragrance in the Air?". I got lots of cute, interesting and informative answers which I want to share with you and also I want you to choose best answer in them.
suny51 ranked 442 out of 963 in nature | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Yep I love spring. It's spring here now and the weather is so warm and nice. Actually I have been waiting for a warm season for a long time now. We had a really nasty winter this year and a lot of snowfall too.
Anyway Spring is here and now slowly we'll be having Cherry Blossom like everywhere. I love it. They look so nice and smell nice too. It looks like cottons on trees. Just so perfectly beautiful 
notlistening2 ranked 195 out of 963 in nature
Anyway Spring is here and now slowly we'll be having Cherry Blossom like everywhere. I love it. They look so nice and smell nice too. It looks like cottons on trees. Just so perfectly beautiful
Fragrance of Spring in The Air's of Islamabad
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My Street full of Flowers |
Since I know I loved flowers to love, fascinates me, delight me, make me an inexplicable feeling good, having fun. If every day I'd be surrounded only by flowers, I must admit that I am the happiest man in the world, I would not need anything and anyone and more so to me that I disturb the well-one gives them. Besides the fact that I particularly like my roses, I can not think of those flowers that open at nightfall and that often come with competing luxury perfumes. As queen of the night talking or even a flower is the month and the same flower, fully deserves its name, many flowers are star-shaped white, pink, purple or cream, the white flowers are most fragrant of all. If we speak and also other flowers in a way I like it very light and love lilies which are very sensitive. The white ipomoea, a species of morning glory with white blooms only at nightfall and remain open only until the first rays of the sun.
I just felt the need to talk about flowers is that they matter the situation, give people a way of life smiling. A flower given to him with love, do much in the heart of a man no matter how simple life would be such a gesture.
Loving flowers, we love more than ourselves ...
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Afridi is under attack by Negative Indian Media
Afridi is talking about bias media who don't have heart and try to portray mischief to create controversy to sell a story. Channels like Aaj Talk which Internationally replay edit and enhance clips for their harmful gain. All the Bollywood Actors and Actresses face the same thing especially with the whole Salman Khan Vs Shahrukh Khan Saga like their nothing else is going on important in the World.
Afridi is saying the Truth regarding Indian media. They should grow up and see the positive for change instead of dwelling on unnecessary negative and unhelpful news for the public. They know how much they affect mindset of the viewer and therefore instigate propaganda of hatred.
Wake up guy's
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
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