Saturday, August 27, 2011

British Women’s Care Their Pets More Than Their Husband

I read this survey which was taken in London, UK in which more than 2000 women’s participated and the result was unbelievable and some say’s it was shocking trend for them.

Today when I was reading news I found this very interesting news regarding British women’s in which was mention that, British women loves and care their pets more than their husband. This was a result of an survey which was amazing for some people and for some of this was shocking news.
As per one survey which was held in Britain in which more than 2000 women’s were involved who have pets in their home and especially Dogs.
As per this survey they talk with their pets more politely than their husbands, they often take time out from jobs for their pets but they don’t have time for their husbands, they love to go out with their pets instead of their husbands. 

Read more:

UK is operating a Spy Network of Pakistani Journalist in Pakistan

UK is operating a Spy Network of Pakistani Journalist in Pakistan

UK has given them the task of collecting information regarding Mosques and Madaris and the individuals who have soft corner for Militant ideology or, in other words, who believe in jihad. They have also hired an advertising company to fulfill their task. They are giving top priority to Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Potohar region.

After USA spy networks’ news in Pakistan, now another breaking news has came out about US junior partner Britain’s Spy Network in Pakistan. They are getting information regarding mosques and Madaris who have soft corner about Jihad. For this purpose they have given contract to a Pakistani advertising company to collect information about those Ulema (Cleric) who talk against West of Islamabad, Rawapindi and Potohar region.

Learned sources are further saying that the British High Commission has decided to start a project mentioned above in April 2010 against Pakistan and for that they have hired PUBLICS advertising company by opening negotiations for it. They have completed their brain storming session till August 2010 and then immediately started initial work without further delay. Its was decided in the beginning that they would hire those people only who were already in the journalism felid and would work as part timers for this project, so name of the advertising company can not be disclosed in the process.

Sources claim that the In charge of this project Mr. Zeeshan Saddique, Chief Editor and Mr. Khizer, General Manger of PUBLICIS have visited Azad Kashmir for this purpose and they face some difficulties. In different press clubs, they were ascribed to MI-6. In January 2011 these selected people started working on February 14, 2011 the regular work was started by warding contract to the staff.

Sources further claim, they told to the People who were hired that they have to collect local news from their own area and we will pay you decent amount for that but they have to use the name of their own News paper or agency. In the beginning there was another plan to register a brand new as “News East” and start this project under new name. For that they have set so many meetings with concern authorities but this was rejected from British High Commission by saying this is not a safe way.

Interesting part of this project is the people who are working for them are called with code name of “Diver and Assistant Diver”. They also have been bound to not disclose any information about their office, phone and fax numbers to anyone on any price.

First assignment they have given to these “Divers and Assistant Divers” was to collect information about the Militants and their places in Azad Kashmir. One of the Azad Kashmir Diver who is working in “Daily Ummat” newspaper told to the PUBLICIS that he has found one militants place and during collecting information he was captured by them and after an thoroughly investigation he was released. When they tried to confirm this report from the local newspapers Daily Umat they found, Diver was trying to exploit.

After observing and contacting these Journalists who are working in this project which have been given name of “Deep Divers” one common task was conceived which is they all are collecting information regarding Mosques, Madaris and about those Ulema’s who speak against west and have soft heart about jihad. All information collected by those Divers and assistant divers they report to their local hidden offices in the shape of local news and after that these all information goes to their head office which is located at House No.38, Street No.35, Sector F-6/1, Islamabad. This head office  sent all informations to the British High Commission after refining and these all information is based on requirement of British High Commissions who have given this task to local advertising company PUBLICIS. This information’s never used for journalism purpose.

Sources claimed, this whole process of dealing in this project is going on through Shifa Khan. This assignment has been given name of “Her majesty government initiative” and from PUBLICIS. Khizer Imran Tajmul is working as Project Director in this project. From British High Commissioner Etine is tacking care of the operations. Sources said before Mr. Etine there was a lady named Izabella who is British High Commission official was tackling with the project. She is still working in the British High Commission but she is not attaching with this project anymore. Sources further describe about Izabella that, she came to Pakistan in 2010 to replace Jacob who was working for MI-6 in Pakistan. According to sources, Jacob was patronizing many NGOs in Islamabad, Multan and Lahore and he also got established some new NGOs who used to provide information in the name of research. The briefing of very heavy delegations of Uleman (Scholars) of Pakistani Deobandi and Brailvi sects also goes to his credit. A source has revealed in respect of this project that at the end of the month of July, a lot of changes have been made in the project which are being objected by many members of the staff. One of the beigest of these changes is that a driver was told to disclose the identity of the individuals opposing the western culture and western countries and also have a look on the mosques. Secondly, to reveal the negative character of mosques and seminaries and write article based on the guidelines of the British High Commission and their publication in the local media was entrusted to them. Another project covering the electronic media has also been launched under which some anchor person have been hired including one who is famous for his work in Palestine. They are also being to sent to England for further briefings and training. Under the Deep Diver project, the analysts of the electronic media are being targeted. They are also being approached to adopt the decided points and view point of the British High Commission and are being purchased with handsome amounts of money. Furthermore, analysts are being recruited to present their masters’ voice in the programmes of the hired anchor persons. According to some sources, an FM radio namely Rose 90 established in AJK is also transmitting the programmes of this project. Almost 32 NGOs are also working under the British High Commission in AJK and promoting the cultural guidelines of the British Highly Commission in the society. According to the sources, AJK, Islamabad, Rawalpindi including the whole Potohar Region is being targeted as a first priority by the Deep Divers of the British Government. Their offices have also been established in Lahore and Karachi. In Lahore, their office has been established in the neighborhood facing the KFC building on MM Alam Road in the vicinity of the residences being used by Black Water people  where a famous journalist is serving them. This project of  PUBLICS, which PUBLICS do not own on the record , the Chief Editor of which, Mr. Zeeshan Siddique,  was contacted by Ummat and asked, “The project you are heading, what is it and what is it doing”? Mr. Zeeshan Siddique retorted that who had told them about this and what was his name. He was replied that he himself was a journalist and know that the source of information could not be disclosed. He was asked to simply tell that what were they doing. On this, he told that he was out of station at that time and would himself speak on the phone and disconnected the call. Regarding the surveillance of the mosques, the representative of the prayer leaders of the Islamabad and spokes person of the Federation of Seminaris Maulana Abdul Qaddus, while talking to Ummat, said that this act of the British High Commission is very provoking, leading to misunderstandings and creating distances. In the religious circles of Pakistan, the hatred shown against America and France on their anti Muslim character is absent for Britain but theses activities of the British Government are hurting its image and they are compelled to think that the Britain also involved in anti Muslim activities like America and France.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

what the freedom is and how we can create a responsible society?

Today I was thinking what the freedom is and how we can create a responsible society? To bring peace and harmony among people of this beautiful planet so we can save our population and resources by putting them in one direction which can bring tolerance among us?

During reading the such material and searching for the more knowledge to find out a way which can give us a direction towards best possible and do able idea’s and theory, “I found Some very logical meanings and terms which I wanted to share with my Triond friends.

First of all we keep in mind what question was raised in my mind and than I will try to explain what I have learn during this thinking process so question was, “What the freedom is and how we can create a responsible society?

First thing first, we must know importance of new and innovative ideas which provide the basic foundation so question arises, “What are Ideas and its importance for creating a responsible society?

Ideas have consequences. They influence the political, economic and social systems that govern our actions and affect the way we live our lives. Ideas have inspired many of the political and economic arrangements that have existed at different times in different places.

Some of these arrangements have promoted creativity, innovation, peace and prosperity, leading to improvements in quality of life and enabling people to fulfill their myriad needs and goals. Other political and economic arrangements have undermined creativity, inhibited innovation and lead to civil unrest, oppression, starvation, poverty and misery.

For most of history, in most places the latter type of arrangements prevailed and as a consequence the large part of humanity was poor, oppressed and miserable. Beginning around 1500, the political and economic arrangements in some Western European countries began to shift - and improvements in living standards began to be felt throughout those societies.

Over the course of the past two hundred years, the number of countries with such beneficial political and economic arrangements has gradually increased. As a result, this period has seen rapid improvements in technology and economic conditions. Meanwhile, the number of people living in abject poverty has been declining in absolute terms for fifty years in spite of a dramatic rise in the world population. Nevertheless, over a billion people continue to live in miserable circumstances.

Those who are interested in what these beneficial economic and political arrangements are that lead to economic growth and have the capacity to eliminate poverty. I do not pretend to provide a definitive answer but rather to point people in the right direction. The question, "How importance Ideas are for a Free Society?" was inspired by the observation that the political and economic arrangements that seem to be most conducive to peace and prosperity are those that exist in free societies.

In such societies, there exist certain institutions that guarantee political, economic and social freedom, and those institutions are in turn underpinned by ideas. Such ideas have been explored by individuals from many different perspectives, starting with ancient Chinese, Roman and Greek philosophers and continuing to the present day. 

Inflation - Ludwig von Mises

This piece was published in 1979 when the United States and United Kingdom were beginning to recover from a period of high inflation. Yet the text itself was written by Ludwig von Mises more than fifty years earlier.
The source is the fourth of five seminal lectures given by Von Mises on Economic Policy at that time.
The lesson is that the dangers of inflation are relevant in any period. Its causes and the solution have not changed.


If the supply of caviar were as plentiful as the supply of potatoes, the price of caviar that is, the exchange ratio between caviar and money or caviar and other commodities would change considerably. In that case, one could obtain caviar at a much smaller sacrifice than is required today. Likewise, if the quantity of money is increased, the purchasing power of the monetary unit decreases, and the quantity of goods that can be obtained for one unit of this money decreases also. When, in the sixteenth century, American resources of gold and silver were discovered and exploited, enormous quantities of the precious metals were transported to Europe. The result of this increase in the quantity of money was a general tendency toward an upward movement of prices in Europe. In the same way, today, when a government increases the quantity of paper money, the result is that the purchasing power of the monetary unit begins to drop, and so prices rise. This is called inflation.

Unfortunately, in the United States, as well as in other countries, some people prefer to attribute the cause of inflation not to an increase in the quantity of money but, rather, to the rise in prices. However, there has never been any serious argument against the economic interpretation of the relationship between prices and the quantity of money, or the exchange services. Under present day technological conditions there is nothing easier than to manufacture pieces of paper upon which certain monetary amounts are printed. In the United States, where all the notes are of the same size, it does not cost the government more to print a bill of a thousand dollars than it does to print a bill of one dollar. It is purely a printing procedure that requires the same quantity of paper and ink.

In the eighteenth century, when the first attempts were made to issue bank notes and to give these bank notes the quality of legal tender that is, the right to be honored in exchange transactions in the same way that gold and silver pieces were honored the governments and nations believed that bankers had some secret knowledge enabling them to produce wealth out of nothing. When the governments of the eighteenth century were in financial difficulties, they thought all they needed was a clever banker at the head of their financial management in order to get rid of all their difficulties.

Some years before the French Revolution, when the royalty of France was in financial trouble, the king of France sought out such a clever banker, and appointed him to a high position. This man was, in every regard, the opposite of the people who, up to that time, had ruled France. First of all he was not a Frenchman, he was a foreigner a Swiss from Geneva, Jacques Necker. Secondly, he was not a member of the aristocracy, he was a simple commoner. And what counted even more in eighteenth century France, he was not a Catholic, but a Protestant. And so Monsieur Necker, the father of the famous Madame de Staël, became the minister of finance, and everyone expected him to solve the financial problems of France. But in spite of the high degree of confidence Monsieur Necker enjoyed, the royal cashbox remained empty Necker’s greatest mistake having been his attempt to finance aid to the American colonists in their war of independence against England without raising taxes. That was certainly the wrong way to go about solving France’s financial troubles.

There can be no secret way to the solution of the financial problems of a government; if it needs money, it has to obtain the money by taxing its citizens (or, under special conditions, by borrowing it from people who have the money). But many governments, we can even say most governments, think there is another method for getting the needed money; simply to print it.

If the government wants to do something beneficial if, for example, it wants to build a hospital the way to find the needed money for this project is to tax the citizens and build the hospital out of tax revenues. Then no special “price revolution” will occur, because when the government collects money for the construction of the hospital, the citizens having paid the taxes are forced to reduce their spending. The individual taxpayer is forced to restrict either his consumption, his investments or his savings. The government, appearing on the market as a buyer, replaces the individual citizen: the citizen buys less, but the government buys more. The government, of course, does not always buy the same goods which the citizens would have bought; but on the average there occurs no rise in prices due to the government’s construction of a hospital.


Today on August 13, 2011 when after 1 day we are going to celebrate our 64th Independence Day, I am thinking, “How can I get my Pakistan back?”

Now Question is, from whom, “I want my Pakistan back?

Since September 11 2001 the day when USA faced a severe attack on its soil, “We Lost our Pakistan” to the “War against Terror”.

Now the question arises, “How and why we lost our Pakistan in this war?”

After 9/11, Government of United State announced Osama bin Laden the Culprit # 1 and he lived in Afghanistan although they never gave any solid proof till today regarding involvement of Osama bin Laden but evidence shows the opposite story. USA decided to attack Afghanistan and for facilitation in this war they desperately needed help of Pakistan who is the neighbor of Afghanistan.

Do you know, “How they requested for assistance regarding this war?”

Government of United State directly gave threat to Pakistan, “Are you with us or not? If you disagree we will attack you before attacking Afghanistan and will send you into the Stone Age. So Pakistan decided to be part of this alliance instead of standing alone on the side of opposition.

Long story in short, US and its allies started war against Afghanistan government which was “Shora of Taliban” on that time who were hiding in the mountains of Tora Bora. US and its allies after wasting huge ammunition on fake targets which was set by Taliban they decided to carpet bomb the Tora Bora Mountains to get rid from them. Keep in mind, “Pakistan disagreed with this idea” because Pakistani Government believed that without surrounding them from the all sides, this bombardment would bring no results. Also there were more than 100% chances that they all would run towards Pakistan border and without sealing border it would be suicide for us. We don’t have capacity to guard this biggest border of Pakistan but we can try to control damage as much as we can but for if you have to give us time and we also request to you. But United State and its allies did not listen to our voice and that was the biggest mistake of this whole war which is to decide the actual outcome of the war. (I think the result of this war, which is US defeat, everyone knows now).

When United State and its allies started bombardment on Tora Bora Mountains, all Taliban and their friends entered Pakistan without any resistance although Pakistani forces tried to track them as much as they can but it was a useless effort. Later these Taliban started establishing their safe heavens in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan. What was the worst part for Pakistan when they started a campaign against government of Pakistan as well by spreading the word, “Because Pakistan had allied itself with occupation forces so it was reason that it was our enemy too? Since than they have started attacking in Pakistan with bomb blasts, suicide bombings also they started attacks on Army, Civilians and they also started target killings of key personalities.

Let me take a break here because I am thinking from the day one of this war, “Is there any Pakistani involvement was seen in 9/11?

I found the answer in negative because all 9/11 attackers were Arab Nationals and there were no single Pakistani was involved neither was found in any stage.

So why we have face huge financial and human loss in this war? Why our cities are victims of fear? Why world blame us on every incident happen on any place of the world. Why those so called Democracy lovers support Martial Law Dictators in Pakistan? Why they deal Army to Army?

Since US and NATO forces have started Drone attacks on Pakistani area we have witness increase in bomb blast and suicide bombing. Now our public places and shrines are also not safe after this strategy.

Hate against US is increasing because of these drones who found killer of innocent population more than culprits. Which got more flames from incidents like Raymond Davis and Abbotabad where US has bypass the local authority and violated the international Rules too.

Authorities say’s there is some evidence which shows US officials are involve in providing arms, money and logistics to the enemies of Pakistan that’s why they imposed restrictions on movement of US diplomats to prevent any big incident or any clash in the street of Pakistan.
There are also some rumors of breaking Pakistani law from US ambassador when he started meetings with Balochistan Nationalist who are working against Pakistani government which is very bad move from US which can harm their own cause more effectively.

I was thinking why US ruling elites are trying to get into deep trouble by spending more and more money which will never give any result to them? Why not they think about their own people’s betterment by providing some financial relief to them instead of throwing money into these conflicts and conspiracies? US people are suffering financially and they are spending more and more money on war affected areas not to prevent but to give some more flam to them.

I wish Mr. Obama realize problem of his own people and must focus on US internal affairs rather than putting more money into the pocket of war lords, drug dealers or arm dealers and get his forces out from Afghanistan as quick as he can so we can also get back our Pakistan.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Planning Commission under Flood

On August 8th 2011 heavy rain hit the Islamabad and most of the G-5 seemed like canal. G-5 is full of Pakistan's most important offices like, President House, Prime Minister Secretariat, Supreme Court, National Assembly, Senate, Federal Board of Revenue and Pak Secretariat. Similarly Planning Commission was also under flood, I capture this for my friends and followers take a look:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dancing Bear of Islamabad Zoo

I capture this beautiful and cute dancing bears video at Islamabad Zoo, Pakistan. It was amazing and lovely to watch.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Atomic Reactor in Kitchen, would you believe it?

Richard Bundle a Citizen of Sweden has accepted that, “Installing an Atomic reactor in a kitchen was very stupid and foolish idea”. Further he said, “He wanted to know, how he can break the atom in his home based reactor?”

Swedish authorities have detained a man who attempted to build a nuclear reactor in his kitchen, Helsingborgs Dagblad reported Tuesday.

I was arrested and sent to jail when the police and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority searched my apartment," the unnamed nuclear enthusiast wrote on a blog detailing his project. "They took all my radioactive stuff, but I was released after a hearing. But I am still suspect for crime against the radiation safety law."

Police in the western town of Angelholm were alerted when he contacted Sweden's nuclear authority and asked if it was permitted for an individual to build a nuclear reactor in his home.

Richard Bundle an enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the US. He also dismantled smoke detectors, which contain small amounts of nuclear material.

A spokesman for the local city council told that people in the city of Angelholm were largely unfazed by the potential nuclear reactor.

I was thinking how easily atomic reactor material is available in US and Germany and anyone can buy by ordering online with free home delivery offer, is it not a shocking news for US government and people of the world? I was also wondering, “If a common person can get such risky material without any problem than those whom we call terrorist don’t you think they don’t? What kind of lawlessness is this?

Thanks God he was also a Christian like Norwegian Bomber otherwise the whole biased western Media would start beating the drum if this home based atomic reactor scientist would be a Muslim.