Today I am going to share one of the unique social networking
site which show you the exact worth of your online work. The most amazing thing is you are already sold or going to be sold very soon, how?
What is Empire Avenue ?
Empire Avenue is the Social Stock Market, where you can grow your Social Capital online. Here's how it works, you get to discover valuable, interesting, cool, fun people online and then based scores or share price, invest virtual currency in their profiles by buying shares in our Social Stock Market. It's boatloads of fun, and that simple act of buying shares in someone you think is worth your currency, you will create new connections and as people invest in you, grow your own social capital and get more value in and out of your networks!
Being Social you will reap the reward
When you join Empire Avenue, you can connect your Social Networking accounts, and we’ll score activity and engagement in each account and give you a virtual share price. The connections you make on Empire Avenue create "value-based" relationships, a deeper relationship than simply "following" someone, in a completely less intrusive context than becoming "friends."
Every day, you're on Twitter, talking to friends on Facebook, uploading videos or photos, and writing blog posts. Just for doing that stuff, you'll earn Eaves – our virtual currency – and we'll dish out some more virtual cash to your shareholders. Along the way you'll have a bit of fun, make new connections, learn about different people, and learn about social networking and the value of your network! Use your Eaves wisely and you might just become a virtual millionaire... or billionaire (insert evil, world-dominating laugh)?
You’re Share Price
Your Share Price is your value on the web. It’s made up of what you do online (your activity) and each of your network scores (see below). Most importantly, it’s influenced by Buying and Selling of your shares. As people buy, your share price will increase.
You’re Wealth
Your wealth is a combination of the money (Eaves) in the bank and the current worth of all the people you own. You earn money from “Dividends” paid out by the daily activity of the people you invest in
You’re Network Sources
Each score represents your value in that network. If you click on the number after 5 days you will be able to find out how we score as tool to figure out how active and engaged you or someone else is in a network.
I wish my all Triond Friends join Empire Avenue so they can know what the real worth of them being online personality. So See you very soon and earning dividend while sleeping or writing your best articles, wish you all good luck